Monday, June 28, 2010

Bedtime Yoga

One of the reasons yoga has become so popular in the West is that we are a chronically stressed-out society, and yoga has the power to obliterate stress. Not only does stress lead to inflammation in the body, which can cause a whole host of diseases and physical problems, but it saps the energy and upsets your body's circadian rhythms. This in turn can lead to more inflammation, more health problems, and consequently-more stress. Yoga can help you break this stress cycle and rest the body's natural rhythms. Performing asanas, pranayama, and meditation affect the biochemical responses of the body. Catecholamines, the hormones released by the adrenals in response to stress, as well as neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine are reduced, while "feel good" hormones such as oxytocin receive a boost (source: WebMD). There are studies going on right now about yoga's effect on insomnia, but the anecdotal evidence is already overwhelming. Yoga is one of the first things a doctor will recommend to curtail insomnia.
The following sequence is meant to reduce stress and help you ease into a deep sleep. You can also do this sequence as the last ten minutes of a more energizing practice as a cool-down. Feel free to stay in Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose) and/or Savasana (Corpse Pose) for as long as you'd like. They are very passive poses that are meant to be held for a while. If you practice this right before bed, you may very well fall asleep in Savasana.

Current Class Schedule

The schedule has changed yet again. No more classes in Red Bank for the summer. Classes will resume in the fall.

In Spirit Living is now Inspired Life Studios. Classes are now 100% Donation Based!

Tuesdays and Thursdays in locations in Monmouth County, NJ


Tuesday: 9:00 am Beginner Hatha Yoga at Cedar Village Adult Living Community

12:30 pm to 1:30 Lunch Hour Hatha Yoga at Inspired Life Studios, 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ Inspired Life Studios

Note that the time of my Tuesday class at Inspired Life Studios has changed!


Thursday: 7:00 am Beginner/Intermediate Hatha Yoga at Inspired Life Studios, 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ

6:00 pm Chakra Yoga (level intermediate and up) at Inspired Life Studios 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ Inspired Life Studios

Note that the time of my Thursday class at Inspired Life Studios has changed!




Classes at Chisel Personal Training in Middletown to resume when interest resumes. Anyone who wants to take yoga with me in Middletown should let me know what days work best for them.

Anyone in New York City (Manhattan, sorry Brooklyn!) who is interested in private, in-home classes, should contact me for rates.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yoga for the Lower Body

Summer is officially here! If you are still worried about how you look in a bikini, stop it! You're beautiful. However, if you want to quickly tone up your lower body, try my yoga sequence below. It's divided into two videos (sorry!) but they're really just one cut in half, so go right from part one to part two. The sequence hits all parts of the legs and rear, stretching and strengthening so you don't bulk up but merely gain strength and tone. Strengthening the legs protects the knees, so make sure as you do this sequence that the knees are actually in alignment so you get maximum protection for them.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yoga in a Chair

Sometimes I wake up and can't find the motivation to do a whole yoga practice. When that happens, I don't force myself, but I do try to find time to stretch throughout the day. What if you are in the same boat but sit at a desk all day? Simple. You do yoga at your desk. The following video leads you through a sequence you can do without ever having to leave your chair. If your co-workers look at you funny, so what! It's for your health.

This sequence can be helpful for anyone with limited mobility as well. Simply adapt it for your needs. If you are a paraplegic or something, skip the leg work. Adapt the sequence for your individual needs. All that is required is a chair (which can be a wheelchair) and a strap, but the strap is optional. How easy is that? In just 10 minutes you can loosen up from top to bottom without having to even get up.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Current Yoga Schedule

My schedule has changed!

In Spirit Living is now Inspired Life Studios. Classes are now 100% Donation Based!

Mondays,Tuesdays, and Thursdays in locations in Monmouth County, NJ

Monday: 6:00 pm Mixed Level Hatha Yoga at Spa & Bodywork Market, 10 River St. Red Bank NJ

Tuesday: 9:00 am Beginner Hatha Yoga at Cedar Village Adult Living Community

12:30 pm to 1:30 Lunch Hour Hatha Yoga at Inspired Life Studios, 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ Inspired Life Studios

Note that the time of my Tuesday class at Inspired Life Studios has changed!


Thursday: 7:00 am Beginner/Intermediate Hatha Yoga at Inspired Life Studios, 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ

6:00 pm Chakra Yoga (level intermediate and up) at Inspired Life Studios 560 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ Inspired Life Studios

Note that the time of my Thursday class at Inspired Life Studios has changed!




Classes at Chisel Personal Training in Middletown to resume when interest resumes. Anyone who wants to take yoga with me in Middletown should let me know what days work best for them.

Anyone in New York City (Manhattan, sorry Brooklyn!) who is interested in private, in-home classes, should contact me for rates.

Cross-Training: Yoga for Runners

Yoga is often used as a system of cross-training, and it especially compliments running. Runners usually are already in excellent cardiovascular condition and have strong legs, but often they neglect the upper body and core. Having a strong core is imperative for getting the most out of your run and yoga can help develop a strong yet supple center. Running also creates a lot of stress in the joints which can be alleviated with the slow, rhythmic stretches of yoga.

One of the main benefits of yoga is that it teaches you to listen to your body, to be in touch with the subtle cues that your body is constantly giving you. People often notice that there are imbalances in their bodies after a few yoga classes. Muscles that are supposed to be working are weak, their function overtaken by nearby muscles, which in turn become too strong. Running with these imbalances can lead to tight, brittle muscles at best and injuries at worst. Working on these imbalances through yoga can conserve energy that was being wasted on tight muscles, making your running workout feel that much easier.

Yoga is considered a precursor to seated meditation because when performing yoga postures (asanas), the yogi focuses his gaze on a fixed spot or drishti (literally "gaze"). This develops dharana, or concentration, described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras as "the binding of consciousness to a single spot." In the classical, eight-limbed system of yoga described by Patanjali, the last three limbs are dharana, dhyana-meditation, and samhadi-Enlightenment. By developing dharana, we can move onto dhyana. Adding a few sessions of yoga per week into your normal running routine will teach you to incorporate dharana while you run. You can do this by focusing on an outside drishti, or by making your "drishti" your breath or even your body's subtle cues.

In the following video, I lead you through a ten minute sequence that will strengthen the upper body and core and stretch out the lower body. Feel free to learn the poses first and hold them for longer than I do in the video. Do this sequence only after a proper warmup. After all, the goal here is to prevent injuries, not cause them. Do a few Sun Salulations before the workout, and lie down in Savasana for a few minutes afterward to center yourself. This particular workout is meant to be done at a different time than your run-either on alternating days or at a different part of the day than right before or after running.

Part 2 contains poses you can do at the same time as your run. Pre-run poses are Virabhadrasana I and II (see Yoga Journal's description of the poses here and here). They'll warm up the legs and develop focus. Post-run poses are Baddha Konasana (Yoga Journal describes it here) and Supine Baddha Konasana, or the goddess pose to relax the body and lengthen shortened muscles.